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Archive for the tag “inspiration”

Staying Positive When Business Feels Uncertain

If you are a self-employed business owner you’re familiar with this scene:  One day you know with 100% certainty that you are doing what you have been called to do and the next you are ready to throw in the towel.  Early on in business this wild ride can happen within mere minutes.  Once you’re a little more established the frequency of these episodes tends to become fewer and farther between but they can still happen.

This message is for two people:  1) the new business owner so you know that if you are experiencing these doubts you are normal and 2) the still new but more established business owner who has a good track record but still experiences doubt from time to time.

The answer is simple:  Know Your Numbers and Don’t Worry.  Easier said than done so read on…let go

If you have been around long enough, compare how you are currently doing to how you did at the same period last year.  It’s easy to worry when business doesn’t seem to be growing as fast as you’d like it to.  One way to get perspective is to see how you did previously.  Have you grown?  If so, great!  Recognize your growth and make sure you know how you did it.  Then do more of it.  The only way to know for sure is to track your numbers and where your clients come from.  We call these your ‘sales and sources’.  This information is priceless.  If you haven’t been tracking get started with a simple spreadsheet.

If growth has decreased or has been stagnant, investigate to find out why.  Don’t be too quick to blame the economy or some other outside influence.  Sometimes we get in our own way.  Were you doing some marketing before that you stopped doing?  It might feel like you’re doing everything and more but when you’re wearing all the hats it’s easier than you might think to lose track of what’s working.  If you have been tracking your ‘sales and sources’ it’s easy to pinpoint the problem and make a correction.

Worrying won’t make anything better.  It keeps you in the problem and away from the solution.  How do you get rid of worry?  First, know your numbers to confirm that you’re not totally off track.  Then, relax and let go.  In other words, have faith that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and that everything will be okay.  This is a tall order.  I was fortunate to be part of this experience with one of my clients while developing her business plan.  The business was in good shape but she couldn’t stop worrying.  Finally she let go and surrendered and she is experiencing growth in her business like never before.  She made a conscious decision to stop worrying and give it over to faith.  That can happen for you too.

My encouragement for you is that if you are worrying and getting stressed out about your business you will first check your numbers and if they confirm that you are doing the right thing, you will let go and surrender to the faith that you are exactly where you are supposed to be (even if it doesn’t feel good!).  Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Listen to this topic on BlogTalkRadio.

Liz Uram is the owner of The Coach & Mentor Group, the best choice for business development and marketing strategy for the self-employed business owner who is going places.

Catch The Wave Of Success

The exciting thing about life is that you never know what’s right around the corner. But… it can be hard to maintain a feeling of excitement and anticipation when you’re working hard to achieve something and it doesn’t seem like you’re getting results.wave

Working towards something significant is sort of like surfing. You have to paddle against the tide to reach the wave and if you stop paddling the tide will push you backwards. But if you just keep going you might finally hit the wave. When you do you might fall off your board. Or, what you thought was a big wave might turn out to be just a ripple.

You don’t stop because one day you might just catch the big wave. When you do, you’ll ride that wave and though it requires skill it will seem effortless. Because all the time you thought you weren’t getting anywhere you were actually acquiring the skills you needed to ride the wave. Every time you tried standing and fell off you learned. Every time you went for it you learned. With every wipeout your skills improved. And when you learned the skills you needed the wave was there and you caught it.

There are five stages you will experience as you search for your big wave:

1) You have to put your toe in the water. You have to get going, you have to get out there and it all starts with one small step. Waves don’t just fall in your lap, you have to go find them.

2) You’re going to fall down. Expect to fall down. There is a learning curve involved in everything new that we do. To think otherwise is to let your pride get in the way. Our pride doesn’t want us to make mistakes.

3) You’re going to get up. Experience is the best teacher. Every time you fall down you learn what not to do. Be grateful that you can get up. Your pride might be hurt but a little bruised pride never hurt anyone.

4) You’re going to fall down again. Think of it as another learning opportunity! Every stumble brings you closer to mastering the skill.

5) You’re going to get up again and this time you’ll catch the wave! Maybe you’ll have to repeat the fall down/get up cycle a few more times but every try increases the odds that you will catch that wave. When do you catch your wave you’ll be propelled along by the momentum and all that paddling and falling off will have been worth it.

One thing is certain, if you stop paddling you’ll never reach that wave. My encouragement for you is that you will take that first step and if you’ve already taken the first step, you’ll keep getting up until one day you’re riding the wave of success. That day could be right around the corner. Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is the owner of The Coach & Mentor Group, a great place for developing skills to succeed personally and professionally.

The Power Of Words

Words have the power to build up and tear down. Words have power, but not on their own. It’s up to us to use them for good or bad whether it’s for other people or ourselves. I try to use them for good towards others and myself.words

One thing I’ve done the last two years is choose a word that is significant to my personal and professional growth. My word for 2013 was ‘surrender’ and boy did I get more than I bargained for with that, in a very good way as it turns out. I knew it was the word for me when someone suggested it to me and my initial reaction included a tightening of my gut and the thought “no way, I can’t give up control”. My reaction sealed the deal and it became my word.

Now, you might be wondering why I would pick such a word. Well, when left to my own devices and my self-will, I have a tendency to get in my own way. That little word made me challenge myself in surprising ways and do things I never thought I would do. It allowed me to let go of beliefs that weren’t serving me and to be open to opportunities. Ironically, it takes a lot more strength to let go than it does to hang on.

The problem with doing the same old things is that we get the same old results. Change can be uncomfortable but it’s the only through adversity that we grow. I am an advocate of personal and professional growth and I don’t mind the discomfort that comes with it. At least after the fact!

I’ve been encouraging my clients to choose a word and I encourage you to do the same. As you reflect on the year and take inventory of your highlights and lowlights, make a conscious effort to identify one specific word that would make a significant impact on your life in the coming year. Make it your anchor word and use it to push yourself and stretch yourself into places you wouldn’t normally go.

Some ideas are:

Persistence – do you find yourself giving up too soon?
Positivity – are you a glass half-empty kind of person?
Abundance – are you afraid there isn’t enough to go around?
Faith – do you question your abilities and what you’re doing?
Courage – do you hold back?

Once you have your word, use it as a starting point for finding quotes, scripture, verses, and affirmations to support your efforts and give you encouragement as you face opportunities for growth. I promise that any discomfort will be well worth it. Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is the owner of The Coach & Mentor Group, the best choice for business development.  Get your free eBook ‘5 Ways To Boost Your Business Now’.

Growing In Confidence

I thought I’d share a few thoughts on confidence to start the week off.  I choose this topic, as I choose most of my topics, based on conversations I’ve had during the last week.  It isn’t uncommon at all for people to question their abilities or the path they’re on.  In fact, it’s probably more the rule than the exception.  It’s funny how easy it is for us to look around and think that everyone else knows what’s going on.  That everyone has the answers.  The truth is, people are looking at you thinking the same has purpose

Confidence comes from knowing deep down that we are doing exactly what we are meant to be doing.  The problem many of us run into is that we aren’t always sure if we are on the right path.  We wish for a bright neon sign to light the way but often find ourselves fumbling around in the dark doing the best we can.  In my experience, that isn’t always a bad thing.  Think about it.  What would be the reward if everything came easy?  Searching for answers builds character.  I know that’s probably not what you want to hear.  It’s a better option than staying in the dark though.

One way to get validation of your purpose is to take an inventory of your assets.  Can’t find any?  Then you are being way too hard on yourself and you need some help.  Go online and get the book StrengthsFinder 2.0.  It will be one of the best $20 you’ll ever spend.  Follow the directions to take the quiz and you’ll get a report of your top 5 strengths.  It’s a start and you’ll have something to work from.  Read the meanings behind each strength and really look at how each one makes you unique.  Then OWN them!

One of my top strengths is ‘significance’.  When I first saw it, I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the connotation.  I misunderstood what it meant.  I thought it meant arrogance.  As someone who has been all too familiar with arrogance, I couldn’t see how that could be a strength.  It only seemed to have caused trouble for me in the past.  I found out later that ‘significance’ simply means wanting to make a difference, to have a positive impact on others.  That helped put a lot of pieces of my puzzle together.  Now I understand what makes me want to coach, to speak, to train.  It fits me.

I have been fortunate to have been exposed to all kinds of personal and professional development over the years.   My strengths drive me to always search for continuous understanding and improvement of myself so that I can be the best at whatever I’m supposed to be the best at.  Each of us has our own thing we are meant to be the best at.  Finding that out and owning it allows our confidence to grow.  Overcoming the sure trials and tribulations that come along are part of the process and only serve to make you stronger.

My friends, my encouragement for you this week is that you will spend time focusing on your strengths and challenging yourself to become the best you can be using the gifts you have been given!

Liz Uram is the owner of The Coach & Mentor Group, the best choice for business development planning and implementation.  Get your free eBook ‘5 Ways To Boost Your Business Now!’.

While You’re Waiting…

Planning is a very important part of my philosophy and something I am passionate about teaching to others. I firmly believe that to get anywhere in life you have to have an idea of where you want to go and take steps to get there. It’s part of my Vision, Goals, Focus, Action philosophy. I also believe that as we make the best decisions we can, with the information we have, our plans have a way of working out (or not working out as the case may be) in a way that is best.

Plan as we might, there are times when we have to wait. Things don’t move as quickly as we’d like or they appear to be moving in the wrong direction. Despite what you might hear from some people, waiting is the norm not the exception.waiting

Waiting can be hard. We might question ourselves, our abilities, and our decisions. When these concerns pop up, as they are prone to do, it can be easy to slip into fear or panic. I’ve found a better way… I have learned to turn the waiting time into opportunity time. I have the opportunity to be open to new ideas, learning new skills, or working on building a certain character trait. This is time for Focus.

Just knowing that this is a time for focus and growth doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy so this is a time for grabbing on to positive quotes, affirmations, or verses. Two of my favorites are ‘Everything is in perfect order’ and another good one is ‘Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be right now’.

Both of those sayings are filled with hope. They are a reminder that in spite of what I want and when I want it, I don’t know the whole picture and when the time is best. Those sayings keep me grounded and keep me focused on what is in my control. The things that are in your control are: your attitude, your actions, and your decisions.

  • Choose a positive attitude. Choose to believe the best is yet to come. Choose to believe that when one door closes another one opens. Choose to keep an open mind.
  • Choose to continue to take action even when you aren’t sure where you are going. Sometimes the best way to find out which path to take is to take a few steps on the wrong one.
  • Choose to make decisions. Decisions, like action, even if they aren’t exactly right often lead us to where we need to be. The inability to make decisions can be debilitating.

My encouragement for you is that if you are not yet where you want to be, you will take stock of where you are and find opportunities to improve, to grow, and to learn while you are waiting. Make the most of your waiting time. Stay sharp, improve, and be ready to go when the time is right. Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is the owner of The Coach & Mentor Group, the best choice for business planning.  Get your free eBook 5 Ways to Boost Your Business Now!

Give Thanks On Your Journey

Every good thing requires a period of cultivation and preparation before we are ready to reap a bountiful harvest.  The time of preparation is often difficult and comes with little gratification.  We may want to give up because we can’t see that we are making any progress.  Take time to count the small blessings to fuel your motivation.give thanksL

I love the analogy of planting a garden when it comes to illustrating the principles of success.  Imagine you want a beautiful flower garden bursting with colorful, fragrant, healthy plants.  You’re excited as you browse through plant catalogs and start to create a plan of what it will look like.  You might even sketch it out.  But when you look out your window all you see is a weedy, rocky, barren patch of ground.

The picture you painted in your mind of your glorious garden may temporarily fade as you face the reality but it’s still there and it grows and becomes stronger than the reality of what’s waiting for you outside.  And when your motivation reaches a certain level you grab your shovel and rake and get to work.

It’s fun at first, especially the first time the shovel cuts the soil and goes beneath the surface, but after a while your hands begin to blister and your back hurts.  Every shovel of dirt looks the same and the newness wears off.  Rather than hiding rich, black soil, the weeds and rocks you removed reveal a sandy soil that nothing will grow in.  With a sinking feeling you realize that this is going to be a lot more work than you bargained for.   It’s too late to back out now.  You can’t just abandon it and it would take as much effort to put it back the way it was than to forge ahead.

So you forge ahead.  At this point maybe all you can see is an insurmountable obstacle in front of you and you may begin to resent the fact that you started this project.  You may doubt yourself and your abilities and you may start to lose hope.  Instead of letting negativity get the best of you, why not focus on the all the progress you’ve made so far?  You may have to search for the achievements, but they are there.  After all, you started didn’t you?  That is achievement in itself.

This time of Thanksgiving is the perfect time to reflect on how far you’ve come and the progress you’ve made.  Even though you may not be where you want to be, you’re certainly much further than when you started.   My encouragement for you is that you will take a moment to stop and give Thanks for the progress you’ve made no matter where you are on your journey!

Liz Uram is the owner of The Coach & Mentor Group, the best choice to help you organize your ideas and take action!  Get your free eBook, 5 Steps To Boost Your Business Now!

Understanding what drives you to achieve

If you have ever created a vision board and felt disappointed because you haven’t realized any of the visions you put down, it could be that you were lacking the correct inner desire to get the full belief you need to achieve your dreams. When it comes to the theory of conceive, believe, and achieve, why we want something is as important, or more important, than what we want. desire

The first step in achieving anything you want is deciding what you want in the first place. Do you want material gains or personal satisfaction? Is your deep desire to positively impact others or to make a certain amount of money? My belief is that if you are using your gifts and doing what you love, the money will follow. Oftentimes, the problem people have is an understanding of what they really want in the first place. They go after the results instead of their real passion.

It is easy to get caught up in material wants but if your inner motivation is not driven by material things then it is unlikely that you will have the drive to take the steps necessary to get those things. On the other hand, if your inner motivation is driven by material things then it will be easy for you to really see yourself having those things you want. The key to success is to really be able to see and feel yourself where you want to be.

Let me share an example. Money has never been my motivation. My motivation has always come from learning new skills, influencing others, and achieving higher levels of responsibility. When I set goals that are specific to money or material things I can never quite fully feel it on the inside. If I put down that I want to make a certain amount of money each month and I don’t have something bigger driving it, it just doesn’t work for me.

Although, there was one time in my life where I set specific money goals and did reach them. After my divorce I had an extreme desire to keep my children in our home and not be financially dependent on my ex-husband. In order to make that happen I had to make a certain amount of money. I set some goals and had a plan so that in five years I would be financially independent. I met my goal within two years. And even though the goal was to make a certain amount of money, my real motivation was about independence.

My encouragement for you is to examine what your real motives are. Start by creating a vision board around what you really desire. You will know when you are on to it because it is something you can feel deep down inside. The rest will fall into place when you are operating from your real desires. My real drive comes from making a difference in the world and my big vision is to do that by speaking. There are many, many small steps that have to happen in order for me to fully realize that big vision and I am doing the work to make the necessary progress to move me from where I am to where I want to be. Are you? Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is the owner of The Coach & Mentor Group, the best choice for business development planning and success.  Check out How To Organize & Manage Your Time, a planner to help you map out your vision and goals.

Do You Know What People Are Saying About You?

what people are sayingTwice in as many weeks I have been referred to as the Queen of Operations.  That’s a title I’ll take.  Business Operations, as defined by, are the activities involved in the day to day functions of the business conducted for the purpose of generating profits.

Operations is my sweet spot.  I love to know how things work and I love finding ways to improve a process to make them work better and improve the bottom line.

That’s precisely and specifically what my products and services do for my clients.  I don’t promise X number of new clients or making X amount of money.  I do promise (and can I confidently offer a money-back guarantee) that my systems will save money and time, if they are implemented.  In most cases that is exactly what my clients need.  They need a system that helps them stay on track and stop wasting money.

My marketing plan workbook is a good example.  I don’t show people how to craft the perfect message that will have clients lining up around the block – frankly, writing sales copy is not my sweet spot – but I can show my clients how to find out who their ideal clients are and how to consistently get that perfect message in front of them.

After all, what good is a knock-your-socks-off marketing message without a consistent process for delivering the message?  Inconsistent marketing is one of the biggest struggles for most small business owners.  Consistent marketing boils down to systems and processes.  I like to use direct mail as a perfect example.  1)  Because it is one marketing method used by business owners at some point, usually early on and 2) because they end up wasting a ton of time and money on their effort with no return on investment because they didn’t follow a system.  Direct mail has specific rules that need to be followed in order to be successful.  Most small business owners don’t have the budget for doing direct mail correctly.  Instead they throw out one postcard mailing hoping something will happen.  Something does happen… their bank account becomes lighter by about $500 – $1000.

Because I have an operational mind that can see the big picture and connect the dots, I’ve been able to develop simple systems that allow others to profit.  When other people can see that too that is an awesome thing!

That is enough about me…

Do you know what people are saying about YOU?  Are you in your sweet spot?  Would you even know if you were?

Here’s how you can tell if you are in your sweet spot:

First, does other people’s perception of what you do match up with the message you are trying to get across?  If not, there could be a disconnect.

Second, when you are doing the actual technical work (the reason you went into business) does time melt away?  In other words, your work feels like play.

Third, selling is effortless because people know that you are the person with the answer to their problem.  You probably didn’t start your business because you love selling.  You love what you do and when you love what you do it shows.

One of my favorite authors, and the person I heard the term sweet spot from is Max Lucado.  In his book, Cure For The Common Life: Living In Your Sweet Spot, he defines your sweet spot as using your uniqueness to make a big deal out of God every day of your life.  In other words, what you do, why you do it, and where you do it.

Your sweet spot is that natural place where you are using your gifts and talents to their utmost purpose.  You aren’t driven by fame or fortune but by the desire to use your gifts.  It’s a pretty awesome place to be.

My encouragement you for this week is to pay attention to the clues around you and write down your observations in a journal.  What are people saying about you?  How do you feel when you’re doing your work?  How do you feel about selling your products or services?  If there are any disconnects take some time to reflect and figure out what you do differently in either your work or how you are presenting yourself.  Don’t worry if it isn’t clear right away just keep chipping away at it.  Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is a whiz at getting things done and helping other people reach their goals.  Join the Profit Builder Club as a free basic member and get access to more articles and content for start ups and businesses in the growth stage.

The Four Way Test for Decision Making

Making decisions is a fact of life.  The best we can hope for is that we make the best decisions possible with the information we have.  In tough decisionsearching for guidance to make the best decisions possible for some personal and business situations recently, I came across what is referred to as the Four Way Test.  A man named Herbert J. Taylor came up with this test during the Great Depression when he was trying to save a troubled manufacturing plant in Chicago.  Mr. Taylor’s company began embracing these principles and went from failing to thriving.  These questions, as all timeless wisdom, were culled from Scripture and they have been adopted worldwide as principles to guide your actions in every situation in life.

We all have decisions to face in our business and personal lives and it isn’t always easy to know which direction to take.   These four questions can help guide your way…

Is it the truth?  Two things come to mind – excuses and false advertising.  When you make a commitment do you sometimes find excuses to get out of it?  Excuses are not truth.   They are a way of dealing with buyers-remorse or not wanting to be held accountable.  Whose truth do we have?  Only our own.  If someone tells us something we have to take them at face value.  If a client says they are ready to work with me and then cancels the appointment am I going to get in their face and call them a liar?  No.  It’s on them, not me.  How about the truth about our products and services?  Are we telling the truth about what they do?  Can we back up our claims?  Try offering a money-back guarantee.  Does it make you nervous or can confidently offer it knowing that you have nothing to be afraid of?  If you hesitate, you might want to look at your truth a little closer.

Is it fair to all concerned?  In our dealings with other people we need to ask ourselves if we are being fair.  This is particularly true when it comes to negotiating and setting price.  There seem to be two extremes to this.  One is about overpricing and one is about undervaluing.  Some people are just really good at convincing and charge really high prices but have nothing of substance to deliver.  That’s not fair.  Some people undervalue their skills and have a great deal to offer but don’t charge enough.  That isn’t fair either.  Unfortunately, those people can get taken advantage of by others who can see their value and exploit them for their own gain.  Not fair.

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?   Business, as in life, requires interaction with others.  We can’t operate a business in a vacuum.  At the very least we need people who will be customers.  But there’s so much more to it than that.  I’ve only just begun to see the power of collaborating with others to work toward a bigger cause.  A self-employed individual only has so big of a voice but a group of people working together towards the same goal becomes very big.  I’ve been reaching out to other professionals to invite them to participate in telesummits  and other collaborative efforts and I’ve been making some great connections that I didn’t anticipate but I’m pleasantly surprised by.  By offering to do something for them I’m building goodwill and friendships.  Are you only looking for the sale or are you trying to build partnerships too?

Does it benefit all concerned?  Situations that result in a win-win for everyone are best.  This is especially true when it comes to keeping customer.  It’s really a lot harder to get new customers than it is to keep existing ones.  This is also a great question to ask yourself when you’re working on your business strategy.  Look at the big picture and ask yourself how a change will impact the business, if it fits in with the overall plan, and if it is good for everyone involved.

One big take away from all this – stay on your side of the street.  It is so easy to fall into the trap of what ‘everyone else’ is doing.  Let your conscience be your guide and let other people do what they want to do.   Don’t believe that you can only be successful by trying to outwit the other guy.  That kind of stuff doesn’t last.  Am I naïve?  Maybe, but I’d rather be naïve and live with a clear conscience than constantly be trying to figure out how to get the better of people.  My job is to do the very best I can with what I’ve got and do it honestly, fairly, and with humility.  I don’t think I can go wrong with that attitude and neither can you.  Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is a business strategist and marketing plan expert, working with entrepeneurs to sort out their big ideas and get results. Get your
free eBook Boost Your Business Now!

Do You Have The Grasshopper or Ant Philosophy?

ant or grasshopperThere’s a lot of buzz going on in the small business community that is quite frankly disturbing. That talk is about ‘taking the summer off’. I don’t know any business owners who have the luxury of, or desire to, take the summer off.

The talk is rampant in networking groups and online. There’s concern about low turnouts at events because it’s summer. Scaling back or cancelling meetings because it’s summer. That nothing is going to be happening until September. Yikes!

You know the old story about the grasshopper right? He played all summer and when winter came he was starving and out in the cold because he didn’t spend any time preparing. He was at the mercy of the ants who kept working all through the summer so they were comfortable and ready for the long winter.

Here are a few things you can do to keep working on your business this summer:

1) Connect with others. What a great time to make time for face to face meetings with people you have wanted to connect with. Make it a point to reach out to a certain number of people each week and get a face to face or phone meeting on the calendar. Make it a mix of prospects and business partners. Get together with other business people who have the same mindset. Getting together with a few people informally to mastermind is really beneficial and energizing.
2) Get organized. Take advantage of the breathing room and get caught up on the boring, mundane tasks that you’ve been putting off. Clean out your office, get caught up on your books, or finally get your files organized.
3) Work on your business. If you haven’t done a business plan then grab a copy of my downloadable workbook and get to work. Look at your numbers and see how you’ve stacked up. If you’re numbers aren’t where you want them to be then figure out what you can do differently. Working on strategy is great because you can do it anywhere and sometimes a change of scenery is just what you need to give you a whole new perspective. So grab your workbook and a notebook and go the park, or the beach, or even on a hike. I’ve practiced speeches while on a walk. Just watch out for cars! Do take advantage of one of the best perks of being self-employed – setting your own schedule!

My encouragement for you is to think of creative things you can do with your time even if other people are taking time off. If you do, you will reap the rewards that come from consistent actions and you will be ahead of the competition.

So do you want to be the grasshopper or the ant? I think I’ll go with the ant philosophy. I won’t be taking the summer off so if you want to hang out with me give me a call and let’s set up a coffee or a phone chat. Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is a business strategist and marketing plan expert, working with entrepeneurs to sort out their big ideas and get results. Get your free eBook Boost Your Business Now!

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