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How to make the most out of every experience

Life happens.  Sometimes our life experiences are good and sometimes our life experiences are bad.  When bad things happen we can choose how we react and we can choose to better or bitter because of them.  It’s pretty clear that bitter isn’t the best option.  What does being bitter really get you?  Nothing.  Bitterness holds you back.  It breeds self-pity, resentment, and negativity.  You can tell the people who choose bitterness because they are always complaining about other people, how life isn’t fair, and they place all of the responsibility for their happiness on other people.  They seem to walk around with a black cloud over their head and they want everyone else to share in their misery.

People who choose to be better look at every experience as an opportunity to learn, grow, and move forward.  They are optimistic and maintain a positive attitude in spite of their circumstances.  They know that life happens and it isn’t always fair.  I’ve experienced my share of bad experiences, just like everyone else, and here are some ways I maintain a positive attitude and things you can do too:

View every experience as part of your life story.  Imagine that you’re writing a book about your life and everything that happens is another chapter.  Good stories always have both good and bad.  If only good things happened all of the time it wouldn’t make a very good story.  There would be no excitement, it would be very dull.  Whenever I face a difficult moment I choose to look at it as another part of my story.  I try to look at it from a bigger picture which helps me put things in perspective and take the right actions that will help me move forward.

Think of how your experience can help others.  You can’t help anyone if you’re caught up in the poor me’s.  This is another way I choose to maintain a positive attitude.  I can guarantee you that if you are experiencing something, someone else already has or will be.  One thing I’ve learned is that my experiences are not unique.  By taking this attitude I can help other people move through their difficulties and show them that they are not alone.

View opposition as a challenge.  Oftentimes I hear people complaining how they can’t succeed because their family or friends don’t support them.  That’s just an excuse.  Why not choose to view opposition as a motivator instead?  What could be more satisfying than proving the naysayers wrong?  People are not always going to be supportive and that’s just how it is.  If you give other people that much control over you, you will never be happy or successful.

To recap, take a broad look at your life and don’t get stuck in moments in time.  You are writing your life story, make it a good one.  Second, stay away from the trap of self-pity by thinking of how your experience can help others.  Last, challenge yourself all the time.  Think of what you learn from every experience you encounter – both good and bad.

Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

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