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Get What You Want the SMART Way

Setting goals is the fastest to get from where you are to where you want to be. Once you have your big vision in mind, set smaller goals that help you get there. I recommend just 3 meaningful goals per week. It might not seem like a lot but you will make significant progress towards what you want if you do this consistently and follow the SMART method. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based.

Be specific when setting goals. Statements like I want to increase my revenue, or get more clients, or lose weight are not specific. Stating that your goal is to increase your revenue by 20%, or to add 10 new clients per week, or to lose 20 pounds is very specific. Now you have a clear vision of what you are trying to achieve. If your goal is ambiguous you’ll never know if you reach it. Don’t let yourself be deterred by the fact that you smart goalsdon’t know how it will happen.

Make your goals measurable. There are few things more motivating than hitting a goal. But if you don’t have a measure you miss out on that sense of satisfaction of being able to say “I did it!”. Regardless of the type of goal – increased revenue, number of clients, weight loss, life/work balance – quantify it so you’ll know when you can check it off the list.

Make your goals achievable. When you are setting weekly goals, make sure they are small enough to be completed in a week’s time. If it is a larger goal that cannot be completed in a week then break it into smaller pieces that can be done a week at a time. You will experience a great sense of accomplishment as you chip away at your goals. Incremental steps are best for long-term sustainable results.

Be realistic. Assess your current situation compared to where you want to be realistic about the steps you need to reach the bigger goal. If you are currently making $500 a month and you want to make $10,000 a month you are better off setting your first goal at $1000 a month and moving up from there. Be careful that you don’t use realistic as an excuse to shy away from trying something though. Part of the fun of goal setting is stretching your comfort zone. It’s fun to see yourself doing something you never thought you could do.

Set time frames for the completion of goals.  While your ultimate goal may have a time frame of one year, the mini-goals you are setting to reach the big goal will have much shorter time lines.  Time limits provide motivation and help keep you focused.  You can create new habits by disciplining yourself.  Using the weekly goal setting system you get the satisfaction of seeing many check marks which will keep you motivated.

Now it’s time to get to work.  Ultimate achievements are built by stringing together many small, attainable goals and the goals you set should support your overall visions of what you are trying to be, do, or have.  It’s one thing to put your goals in writing and another to put them into action.  Remember that you can achieve whatever you believe if you are willing to work for it.

Want to learn more?  Click here to request Instant Access to ‘4 Keys to Your Best Year Ever!’ webinar and learn more techiques for successful goal setting and planning.

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