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Can you see it? Success is right around the corner…

Can you see it?  Visualizing yourself where you want to be is a power tool in helping you achieve the life you want.  Many professional and personal development experts tout the benefits of this exercise which is known as the Law of Attraction.  Not everyone shares in this philosophy but it certainly can’t hurt anything so if you haven’t tried this before I want to encourage you to give it a try.  Here are some tips to get started:

Make your vision ‘visual’.  There are many ways to make your vision visual.  It isn’t important how you do it, it’s just important that you get your vision out of your head and onto something tangible that you can see.  You can create an elaborate vision board with pictures  that represent the life you want or you can simply write out what you want on a piece of paper.  Some people like to use colorful sticky notes on a big piece of flip chart paper.  Some people like a straightforward, neatly organized goal chart.  Do whatever suits your personality – just get it out of your head.

Make ‘no limitations’ your motto.  It’s too easy for so many people to bury their dreams becauseVision Road Sign with dramatic blue sky and clouds. they second-guess themselves, compare themselves to others, and get caught up in negative self-talk and talk themselves out of what they really want.  It’s your dream, it’s your life!  You must believe that you are good enough (you are), you are capable (you are), and you are worth it (you are).  And remember, your vision isn’t something you publicize to the world.  You can if you want, but you don’t have to.  Better to keep it yourself than share with others who won’t support you.

Make a habit of ‘seeing’ your vision.  What I mean by this is use your imagination to actually view things around you differently.    I have a client who has an empty office but wants to see it filled with the hustle and bustle of employees and clients.  I encouraged him to practice visualizing the scene each day when he walks into the office instead of the empty scene that awaits him now.  Inability to see beyond their present circumstance holds many people back from achieving what they are really capable of.   Use your imagination and get in the habit of seeing things as you want them to be.

All action is born in thought and each thought starts with a tiny spark of a seed so it is important to plant the right seeds.  If you have negative thoughts then you will most likely reap negative experiences.  On the other hand, if you have positive thoughts you will start taking actions that help support those thoughts and before long you will begin to see a change in your surroundings.  Practice these ideas until they become a habit, it takes about 30 days to create a new habit, and you cannot fail to have a change in your perspective and in your attitude.  You can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!  Visit The Coach & Mentor Group to learn more.

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