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Do You Know What People Are Saying About You?

what people are sayingTwice in as many weeks I have been referred to as the Queen of Operations.  That’s a title I’ll take.  Business Operations, as defined by, are the activities involved in the day to day functions of the business conducted for the purpose of generating profits.

Operations is my sweet spot.  I love to know how things work and I love finding ways to improve a process to make them work better and improve the bottom line.

That’s precisely and specifically what my products and services do for my clients.  I don’t promise X number of new clients or making X amount of money.  I do promise (and can I confidently offer a money-back guarantee) that my systems will save money and time, if they are implemented.  In most cases that is exactly what my clients need.  They need a system that helps them stay on track and stop wasting money.

My marketing plan workbook is a good example.  I don’t show people how to craft the perfect message that will have clients lining up around the block – frankly, writing sales copy is not my sweet spot – but I can show my clients how to find out who their ideal clients are and how to consistently get that perfect message in front of them.

After all, what good is a knock-your-socks-off marketing message without a consistent process for delivering the message?  Inconsistent marketing is one of the biggest struggles for most small business owners.  Consistent marketing boils down to systems and processes.  I like to use direct mail as a perfect example.  1)  Because it is one marketing method used by business owners at some point, usually early on and 2) because they end up wasting a ton of time and money on their effort with no return on investment because they didn’t follow a system.  Direct mail has specific rules that need to be followed in order to be successful.  Most small business owners don’t have the budget for doing direct mail correctly.  Instead they throw out one postcard mailing hoping something will happen.  Something does happen… their bank account becomes lighter by about $500 – $1000.

Because I have an operational mind that can see the big picture and connect the dots, I’ve been able to develop simple systems that allow others to profit.  When other people can see that too that is an awesome thing!

That is enough about me…

Do you know what people are saying about YOU?  Are you in your sweet spot?  Would you even know if you were?

Here’s how you can tell if you are in your sweet spot:

First, does other people’s perception of what you do match up with the message you are trying to get across?  If not, there could be a disconnect.

Second, when you are doing the actual technical work (the reason you went into business) does time melt away?  In other words, your work feels like play.

Third, selling is effortless because people know that you are the person with the answer to their problem.  You probably didn’t start your business because you love selling.  You love what you do and when you love what you do it shows.

One of my favorite authors, and the person I heard the term sweet spot from is Max Lucado.  In his book, Cure For The Common Life: Living In Your Sweet Spot, he defines your sweet spot as using your uniqueness to make a big deal out of God every day of your life.  In other words, what you do, why you do it, and where you do it.

Your sweet spot is that natural place where you are using your gifts and talents to their utmost purpose.  You aren’t driven by fame or fortune but by the desire to use your gifts.  It’s a pretty awesome place to be.

My encouragement you for this week is to pay attention to the clues around you and write down your observations in a journal.  What are people saying about you?  How do you feel when you’re doing your work?  How do you feel about selling your products or services?  If there are any disconnects take some time to reflect and figure out what you do differently in either your work or how you are presenting yourself.  Don’t worry if it isn’t clear right away just keep chipping away at it.  Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!

Liz Uram is a whiz at getting things done and helping other people reach their goals.  Join the Profit Builder Club as a free basic member and get access to more articles and content for start ups and businesses in the growth stage.

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2 thoughts on “Do You Know What People Are Saying About You?

  1. This is fantastic! As a former tennis player we were asked to find the “sweet spot” on the racket. Same concept in business finding that sweet spot increases your chances for success.

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